Well here we are in September – what happened to summer? What summer, I hear you say. It might have been wet, windy and jumpers-on weather but that hasn’t stopped you all doing what you do – get out and enjoy what’s on offer.
You only have to look at the number of activities that are going on around Mid Argyll over the past few weeks to know we are a very active community with different interests.
From the ArtMap Trail with its fantastic collection of art works, to gala days, local fairs, fundraising efforts, music nights and afternoons, book readings, football, rugby and shinty matches, craft fairs and ’come along and give it a go’ days - we have been spoilt for choice of what to go to.
I’ve managed to get to a few but by no means all of them; let’s hope for more next year.
Well done to Inveraray Pipe Band on their fantastic achievement in winning the World Championship for the third time. I really enjoyed the walk up the Main Street and the music being played as I’m sure did everyone else Couldn’t believe the amount of people that turned out it was fantastic.
There is something about a pipe band that just stirs the soul.
I was delighted to be invited for a visit to MAKI Pups nursery. This nursery is run by Argyll and the Isles Coastal Countryside Trust (ACT).
Their vision is to provide the first fully outdoor childcare centre in Mid Argyll, and on their website say: “We work with three - five-year-olds, and their families, from Lochgilphead and the surrounding area to develop an appreciation and ownership of their natural environment, the ability to understand and enjoy the adventures and challenges that outdoor learning offers, and to work with partners and the community to encourage intergenerational learning and shared opportunities.”
Based in Kilmory Walled Gardens next to the council headquarters, this area is a safe and exciting area for young minds to explore and let their imagination run riot.
What a fantastic place, where kids are allowed to get muddy, indeed in Argyll it’s a requirement.
The manager Erin took us round the various play stations that are pretty much designed by the kids themselves.
I asked about how our very wet weather affected the kids? I was told, "No, the kids don’t mind the rain, in fact it’s hard to get them to come in".
There is the Hobbit house there for when they have had enough of the rain and to have lunch. I could quite happily stayed there all day. MAKI Pups can be found here.
There is another exiting project just getting off the ground here next to the nursery and also the brainchild of ACT – Rainforest Restoration Package.
We hear about Argyll has some of the last remaining rainforests which are shrinking by the year and I have been very fortunate to have been walking about in a few over the summer.
ACT has started work on growing native seedlings and will bring them on until they are ready to plant out.
Then by working with local landowners help them to manage their bit of our heritage which is every bit as important as the other better-known parts of it.
They will employ and train people in the skills required to carry out this work, allowing them to gain the ‘tickets’ they need to allow them to progress.
What another fantastic project to be happening here in Mid Argyll.
I love all the ‘outside the box’ thinking our local organisations take forward here in Mid Argyll. We certainly have many talented people.
I’ll be following this closely as it’s something close to my heart.
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