It’s been a busy time since the last report and once again welcome to opportunity to outline some of the issues and events I have been present at.
It was a real delight to be invited to be a guest speaker on the Argyll Talking Newspaper.
This is an invaluable service to those with visual impairment where local papers and events are recorded and sent out across Argyll.
I had the delight of being in the company of Carl Olivarius, Martin Gorrange and my old history teacher Robin Findlay. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and recording session.
I attended the first cross party budget working group of the council.
This is a group of councillors from across the council chambers along with union representatives who come together to discuss the impending budget with senior council officers which by law requires to be set next February.
It is essential that we work together and constructively to overcome the difficulties this is going to throw up for the council between now and the budget setting.
Following the break we had our first area committee meeting held in Lochgilphead. One of the decisions taken is to move across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the islands to have the committee in different locations.
The next three are in Campbeltown, Inveraray and Islay. This will give the opportunity for members of the public to attend if they so wish.
It was delightful to see so many young people from the local Shinty and football clubs attend the opening of the water stand at the front green.
Scottish Water are to be commended on their initiative to provide fresh water freely available and the young people certainly got in the atmosphere to make it a memorable occasion.
What an epic result for the Inveraray and District Pipe Band becoming senior world Champions and Pipe Major Stuart Liddell MBE and his team are to be congratulated on such a performance.
The pipe band were on show on the front green at Inveraray playing in all their splendour marching up to the George hotel where they were regally entertained.
Depute provost Jan Brown and I were present and we congratulated Stuart remarking how proud Argyll and Bute were of their magnificent achievement.
I had occasion to attend the Bute Highland Games. Thanks go to the organising committee for such an excellent event which was well attended and supported.
It was great to see so many friends there and meeting up with many more attendees made it a great day.
It is particularly fitting that the Championships are back on the Clyde for 2024, which is also the bicentenary of the Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club, and the 150th anniversary of its co-hosts Mudhook Yacht Club.
May I offer everyone at both clubs my congratulations on so many successful years in sailing.
It was a privilege to be present at the opening ceremony which welcomed all the competitors and support crews and wished all well for a competitive week of sailing.
As office of the Provost it also comes along with being a commissioner of the Northern Lighthouse Board.
The purpose of the board is to provide a vital safety service to mariners since 1786 and are responsible for the superintendence and maintenance of all lights buoys and beacons within Scottish and Isle of man waters.
This is a real privilege to be associated with such a vital service and I met with the chairperson on a one-to-one basis to discuss my role and development within the organisation.
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