I say this every time but it’s true – it’s been a really busy month.
First I’d like to congratulate Councillor Anne Horn on her by election win in Ward 2.
I know Anne was a hard-working councillor the last time she was in office and she’s continued to be at the heart of things happening in Kintyre and the Islands.
I know she’ll represent her constituents to the very best of her ability.
There is just so much happening in Mid Argyll in July and August and despite the poor weather I don’t think anything has been cancelled.
It really is a delight to see the front green in Lochgilphead so busy. With the schools on holiday, it’s a great space to take the kids for a walk, a play on the swings and indeed attend a community event as we have seen recently.
I only managed to go to the first event - the family fun day - which was great, and to see a bar open was a bonus. The pizza and hot-dogs were amazing.
Well done to Argyll and Bute Council for organising this let’s hope for more of the same next year.
The Lochgilphead Celtic and Pictish Festival looks to be the standout event of the year so far, with live music from local group None the Wiser on Friday night and a full programme of events on the Saturday – including my favourite axe throwing - will be returning.
I’ll be there, and I’d recommend the day to everyone. As an added incentive there will be food and yes, another pop-up bar.
There will be a new King and Queen for the day to add to the excitment
If you can, please take along a painted stone and add them to the labyrinth. I believe there have been groups meeting up and painting away especially for this. I’m having a go but I’m no artist.
I had the pleasure to take a trip to the island of Eilean Mor MacCormack.
This must have been one of the wettest days in July.
We set sail from Tavyallich and landed on a wet, misty, very beautiful island.
We took a walk to the ruins of the chapel which at one time boasted an inn, then up to the top of the hill to see the Mariota Cross, then across the island and down to cave on the far side inside which there are a number of drawings on the walls.
This was fascinating and to think someone actually lived in here for a number of years.
The folk of this time were certainly hardy souls. Unfortunately, due to the weather we couldn’t see much of the stunning views but it was a good addition to my sponsored walks In the Footsteps of Kings.
Which brings me nicely to the ‘Walk’. I was very honoured when Heart of Argyll Magazine included the ‘Walk’ in their magazine which highlighted our whole area, and also used so many of the photographs taken by Marina Campbell including the one on the front cover.
By the time this goes to press I will almost have finished all 27. I can’t describe just how much I’ve enjoyed each and every one of them. They are all different, unique, and very beautiful. I’ve been lucky to have a great team behind and walking with me on every one.
If you do nothing else this summer go for a walk. Most are accessible and not hard to get to. I can’t recommend them enough.
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