Nas lugha na seachdain gu latha na Nollaige agus tha fhios gum bheil fiù ’s an neach as somalta dhibh air beagan deasachaidh a dhèanamh ma choinneamh an latha mhòir.
Gu h-eachdraidheil ’s e àm fèise spioradail a bha seo, agus ged a tha sin ga chomharrachadh fhathast saoilidh mi gum bheil sinn uile gu math mothachail gur fhada bho ghabh marsantachd an t-saoghail sealbh air an ràith! Agus tha bhuil ann is tuairmse air luach na thèid a chosg am-bliadhna an lùib thiodhlacan Nollaige agus subhachais Bliadhn’ Ùire ga chur aig ochdad is ochd billean not! Ged a tha e gun teagamh fìor gum bheil daoine rim moladh airson coibhneas is carthannas aig an àm seo, agus gu dearbh tron bhliadhna, theagamh nan robh ìre margaidheachd taobh a’ chreideimh co-ionann ris na tha a’ tachairt thar bhùithtean is eile gum bitheamaid beò ann an saoghal mòran na bu tlachdmhoire na th’ againn! Ach tha cùisean mar a tha iad, agus tha e mar dhleastanas dhuinn uile feuchainn rin leasachadh mar as fheàrr is urrainn.
Ged a bhios iomadh dachaigh fo bhuaidh ionndrainn is bròin, bidh adhbharan toileachais cuideachd nur measg ri linn thachartasan a ghabh àite tron bhliadhna, agus bhithinn an dòchas gun robh co-dhiù cuid den toileachas sin air a bhonntachadh air coibhneas is càirdeas dhaoine eile. ’S e cuspair air an cluinnear deasbad glè bhitheanta, cuin is còir bonn-boise a thoirt seachad, gu h-àraid ann an taighean-bìdh. Mar a bhios fios aig mòran agaibh tha seo air fàs chun na h-ìre ann an Ameireagaidh is gun iarr luchd-frithealaidh luach deicheamh pàirt de chunntas mur a toirear co-dhiù uimhir sin dhaibh! Chan eil cùisean buileach aig an ìre sin an seo fhathast a dh’aindeoin oidhirpean chaochladh ionadan, agus saoilidh mi gum bheil mòran againn den bheachd gur còir leithid de thiodhlacan a chosnadh tro fhrithealadh agus aoigheachd shònraichte. Mar sin, ’s i mo cheist dhuibh, cò dha a dh’iarradh sibhse tiodhlac Nollaige neo bonn-boise a thoirt aig an àm seo? Cò a thug dhuibh seirbheis neo taic a bha cho àraid is gun robh e airidh air aithne air leth? Is neònach mur a bi feadhainn is aithne dhan mhòr-chuid againn a tha gu nàdarra fialaidh, coibhneil, agus ged nach bi iad theagamh a’ sireadh neo a’ sùileachadh taing bidh iad moiteil leithid sin fhaotainn. Chan eil taing a’ cosg dad, agus thoiribh sin mar thiodhlac dha gach neach a tha airidh air!
Gu coibhneil tha an neach-deasachaidh air fois a thoirt dhomh thar a’ chola-deug a tha romhainn, agus cha bhi an colbh seo a’ nochdadh a-rithist chun an h-ath-bhliadhna, air an naodhamh latha den Fhaoilteach. Mar sin dh’iarrainn taing a thoirt dhuibh uile a tha a’ leughadh mo bheachdan gach seachdain, tha mi ’n dòchas gum bheil iad sin a’ còrdadh ribh anns a’ mhòr chuid, agus tha mi ’n dòchas gun lean sibh cuide rium anns a’ bhliadhn’ ùr. Thuige sin tha mi a’ guidhe Nollaig shona, shìtheil, dhuibh uile, agus Bliadhn’ Ùr sam bi slàinte agus soirbheachas!
With less than a week to go until Christmas, surely even the most laid back among you has made some preparation for the day!
Traditionally this was a religious festival and although it is still celebrated as such, we all recognise that commercialism has hi-jacked the event. Indeed, this year’s Christmas and New Year season in the UK is estimated to be worth £88 billion.
While many merit praise for acts of charity over this season, and throughout the year, it is probably true to say that if the spiritual marketing matched the commercial element we would be living in a better society. But society is what it is, and we all have a duty to improve it as best we can.
Some homes will be mourning the loss of close family, but there will also be cause for happiness among you as a consequence of experiences during the past year, and I would hope that at least some of that joy is a result of the kindness of others.
There is frequent debate over the issue of when we should pay a gratuity, particularly in restaurants, and many of you will be aware of how tipping has become so normalised in America that serving staff frequently ask for 10 per cent of the bill unless that is offered as a minimum.
Happily, we have not reached that level in this country yet, despite initiatives by some premises, and I think we still regard gratuities as something that should be earned by good service. So, who would you choose to reward with a gift, or tip, this Christmas? Who gave you special service which merited recognition?
Most of us will know people who are naturally kind and considerate, and while they may not seek thanks, they will be proud to receive such appreciation. Thanks, cost nothing, so give that as a gift to all who are worthy of it!
The editor of The Oban Times has generously granted me a break over this festive season, so my next column will not appear until January 9 next year! Consequently, I wish to thank all of you who read and hopefully enjoy my thoughts each week, and while looking forward to your company again in the New Year, I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
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