Whilst it might be the shortest month, February sure makes up for it in action! We’ve had lots happening here at Atlantis over the last while, read on to find out what’s gone on down at your community-run leisure centre recently:
Centre Life – ‘know your building’
We love our monthly BTS column. It’s a chance to bring you up to speed on everything that’s been going on recently. Some of the things we tell you are big spotlight items, while others are the smaller, day-to-day matters.
BTS gives us an opportunity and a place to celebrate these. A community facility like Atlantis isn’t all about the razz and the matazz – remembering the importance of the small tasks is vital in bringing the whole picture together.
A great example of this is our approach to maintenance. Without a disciplined approach to regular checks and updates there’s no way Atlantis would look and feel as good as it does – that’s why we take pains to tell you all about what has been on our work list each month.
This month that meant it was time for the regular check of our emergency lighting. We’re very fortunate to have worked with some of our contractors for a long time, and it makes such a difference partnering with local companies that know and care for our building just as much as we do. This is particularly important when it comes to making sure emergency systems are up to date and functioning correctly. Happily, our lighting passed with flying colours!
Elsewhere, we finished our project to freshen up the male dry-side changing facilities. Alongside the works to the female dry changing next door this project has taken a lot of planning and thought regarding its financing and management. So, it’s brilliant to have it signed off and ready for use – check it out next time you’re in!
Gymnastics – ‘mat chat!’
Gymnastics is one of the really positive stories of recent years here at Atlantis. We’ve seen enthusiastic engagement across all the age ranges as well as steady growth in numbers which means investment in kit and equipment makes sense.
Therefore, this month we took delivery of our new Beemat Tatami Inter-Connect Roll Out Mats! The mats replace our older mats which makes set up an awful lot quicker. The new mats also feature an anti-slip backing which helps keep everyone safe.
Out and About Project – ‘new beginnings’
Over the last year, we’ve kept you up to speed on our Out and About Project. This is a joint initiative between Atlantis and our friends at outdoor development charity Adventure Oban.
Getting the project off the ground has been the superb work of Hannah Shaw who now sets her sights on pastures new. We’re so grateful to Hannah for her attitude, vision and approach to the role and for the place that she has taken everything to. All the very best for what’s next Hannah, thank you!
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